Metea Valley High School Goes Solar

Metea Valley High School Solar Plant
Aurora, Illinois
Installation Type:
Ballasted Rooftop
System Size:
2630.56 KW
System energy production:
1,604,00 KWH - 1st year
Energy Cost Savings:
$1.63m Over 25-year PPA Term
Solar USA was contracted to design and construct a rooftop mounted solar system for The Board Of Education of Indian Prairie Community Unit School District No. 204 Metea Valley High School Facility, located in Aurora, Illinois. This ComEd grid connected Distributed Generation system will generate enough electricity to provide power to more than 44% of the facility electrical needs.
This project is sized at 2630.56-kWp1, using 6,416 ZN Shine ZXM6- NH144 Monocrystalline Tier 1 module rated at 410-W for the rooftop mounted solar system. The system employs 32 Sungrow SG60KU-M string inverters appropriately sized to convert the DC energy produced by the solar plant into AC energy.
In addition to providing $1,629,403 energy savings over the term of PPA, the solar system will produce approximately 2,786 Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC's) annually. Solar USA will maintain and service the solar plant for 25 years.
The WCP Solar construction management team will oversee all phases of the construction process, including the day to day operations, weekly subcontractor, and Owner meetings, site monitoring, quality assurance and control, and scheduling.
The Solar System will be the largest rooftop mounted system in The City of Aurora, Illinois. Estimated completion date December 2021.